LCMS Youth Servant Events

LCMS Servant Events

Youth Ministry   •   The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Service opportunities provide young people with the chance to grow in their God-given gifts and show them how their skills can be used both in church work and in roles outside the church. Through service, youth grow in their relationships and learn from mentors and church workers who serve in vocations youth might be called to as well someday. When young people put their faith into action, they show Christ’s mercy to their neighbor and share the Gospel.




Participate in LCMS Servant Events

For more than 40 years, thousands of Lutheran youth and adults have participated in LCMS Servant Events, serving others in the name of Jesus Christ. LCMS Servant Events equip God’s people to grow in their faith through serving, sharing Christ’s love and developing relationships.


LCMS Servant Events:

  • Provide opportunities for Christian service to the church and the world;
  • Include time for personal Bible study, group building and connection with other Lutheran youth;
  • Give youth a chance to live out their faith by connecting acts of service to daily life; and
  • Take youth out of their comfort zones and work to love and serve their neighbor.

Interested in finding out more about the LCMS Servant Events happening this summer? Follow this link:

Find an event



Why Servant Events?

Hear more about the impact of LCMS Servant Events or how you can support this ministry?


Russ, an LCMS layperson who hosted Servant Event attendees in his home

Hosting these young people [has] multiple benefits. … We have gotten to know some wonderful young people, one of whom we’ve been privileged to follow through her college career and beyond. In addition, having them around and listening to things from their perspective [is] a lot of fun and extremely interesting. I highly recommend it.


  • Read additional testimonials
  • Rev. Michael Pottschmidt - Former pastor at Trinity Richmond

    Hosting an LCMS Servant Event makes ignoring or avoiding God’s mission impossible. Congregation leaders and members must be intentional and deliberate about seeking local opportunities to proclaim and demonstrate the saving love of Jesus. And how invigorating it is for all involved to roll up their sleeves and join with fellow servants — youth and adults alike — in accomplishing this task. That enthusiasm for mission continues long after the Servant Event is over — those volunteers [become] leaders in finding ways to share their faith and serve others.



Interested in hosting an LCMS Servant Event?

We are always looking for new Servant Event hosts. Your LCMS congregation or organization can create opportunities for young people to support your ongoing ministry and share the love of Christ in your community. LCMS Servant Events provides support, resources and additional marketing for our hosts to help you connect to youth and adults across the country.

Want to find out more about becoming a Servant Event host? Click the link below to get more information and to reach out to register your event.

Register your event




Whether attending an LCMS Servant Event, hosting an event or preparing for any service opportunity, LCMS Youth Ministry provides Christ-centered resources on youthESource.

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How to Help

Simply click on the "Give now" button and make your gift. We appreciate your support of this vital ministry of service.

Your gift will...

    • Help generate the annual servant event youth Bible Study and community life materials.
    • Provide resources to LCMS churches, schools, camps, colleges, social service agencies, and other entities interested in hosting their first Servant Event.
    • Assist with the housing and transportation costs associated with the annual leadership training for Servant Event hosts.

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